Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday Thoughts

Saturday, December 19, 2015, I saw the universe on the computer with my mother and brother and read myself avon. I went my mother and brother to Mid-Atlantic and got some dinner. We went to Harris Teeter and got some groceries. I enjoyed my day.

Sunday, December 20, 2015, I went with my mother and brother to give some people presents and I went with them to KFC for dinner. Then I enjoyed my day.

Monday, December 21, 2015, I went with my brother to take my mother to the doctor and it did not workout. I went with them to Sizzlen Express for Lunch and we went home. Then I took a bath, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, used some powder, deodorant and body spray, ordered some amazon books and avon hand cream and enjoyed my day.

Shielda R. Dyer

Monday, October 19, 2015

Getting Steak Everywhere

My mother is cooking a late dinner for us tonight, and we are eating steak at home. We started our errands at 3:00 pm and are finishing at 11:00 pm.

You can buy steak from a grocery store or from a steakhouse.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Watching Videos About The Universe And Stephen Hawking

I have watched several videos on astrophysics today. Two told me about how Steven Hawkings understands the universe, cosmos, and helped me to understand what I see in the night sky, better. This video told me that black holes are not nothing and have light and energy around them that is created by atomic particles crashing together very hard and changing into other things.

I will watch other videos on YouTube about the universe and astrophysics, when I have more time. My mother and brother might watch more with me. He said tell them you should too.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Silver Spring

Silver Spring is a nice place in Maryland, that I love to go to. It has lots of good places to eat and drink coffee and diet soda, like Zed's Café. It also has a nice Safeway, where I like to shop for groceries. Please read this article on Wikipedia to help you learn about it.,_Maryland

How to Feel Happier And Care Less

I found this fantastic video, Infinite Waters, on the Youtube, and I think you should have a look at it. Ralph Smart is a thinker, who helps people learn to live and be happier in life.

8-foot-long bull shark caught in the Potomac River

[From the Washington Post]

I saw this article online, and I think its very sad to see the shark get caught in the Potomac river, because sharks are supposed to swim in the deep ocean, eating little fish. The river is too shallow.

I felt bad.

Please have a look at the article in the Post, below.

8-foot-long bull shark caught in the Potomac River - The Washington Post

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

Sunday, August 9, 2015
We went to the movies in Virginia, saw Fantastic 4 and went to Walmart in New York Ave.

Shielda Dyer

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday Thoughts

Saturday, August 8 2015
We went to my uncle Rudolph's cookout and I ate bean and chicken.

Shielda Dyer

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday thoughts

Monday, April 27, 2015
My brother told me to checked my mother and see if I could give some juice, because she was diabetic, so I did it and she was fine and I got up, ate some breakfast, washed up, put on my clothes, got some rest, got myself together, gave the water to the pets, went with my brother to Total Care to take care of his business, him and my mother to KFC to eat some dinner, them to Zed's to get them some coffee, library to get myself a book, park to look for the deer, CVS to get my medicine and some other things and home to check closets and beds, put the things away, take off my clothes and type my journal.

Shielda Dyer

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

Sunday, April 26, 2015
I worked with my mother and brother on language and conservations. Then
I helped take care of pets. Later, I got dressed and my brother took us to a movie and we saw Adaline, a woman who didn't grow old. While I was there, I went to the restroom three times to get myself together, so I missed some of the movie. I know I will have to work on that! Then I went for a long ride in Virginia, and ate some dinner out. When got back to S.E. Washington DC, we shopped at CVS Pharmacy for milk and a lot of other things. We come home around 10:00 at night, after I got comfortable and put the groceries away, I checked my sugar with my monitor and it was 98. I polished my nails and typed my journal. When I finish, I will eat a small snack and take my nighttime medicine. Then I will go to bed.

Shielda Dyer

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday Thoughts

Saturday, April 25, 2015
I went with my mother and brother to get some breakfast out, go to coffee shop, animal hospital, shopping at Donnell drive, picked up dinner at Old Country Buffet, came home, put the groceries away, ate my dinner, typed my journal and did reading and writing.

Shielda Dyer

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts

My mother, brother and I were sleeping at home when we felt very tired and my mother and I ate breakfast, then I watched Sanford and son and felt very happy.

Shielda Dyer